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A New Place Of Learning

Welcome to the Junior Uni Daun

A New Place of Learning

The Junior Uni Daun is an extracurricular place where you can learn voluntarily and free of charge, without pressure to perform or grades.

A Holistic Educational Program

The Junior Uni Daun offers a holistic educational program that caters to all children and young people, regardless of their interests and abilities.

A Place for Young People to Thrive

The Junior Uni Daun also contributes to the education of young people as responsible citizens by providing a practical and community-oriented educational concept.

A Success Story

In December 2023, the Junior Uni Daun opened its doors in the Eifel region, becoming a beacon of education. At the Junior Uni Daun, children and young people can...

Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century

In a globalized world shaped by technology and digitalization, the Junior Uni Daun provides young people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century.
